For people who want more joy and less aloneness
A 4-month deep dive into our Empowerment, Creativity, Healing, and Intimacy to level up your life and harvest immeasurable gifts and treasures…

Aren’t we all doing far too much of our self-development and healing alone?
As I keep repeating, Buddha clearly said “do it with your mates,” didn’t he?! And yet, we often try to carry the weight of transformation all by ourselves.
The ‘spiritual trip’ can easily feel joyless and heavy, weighed down by the pious seriousness of the self-development world.
There’s this idea that you have to suffer in order to evolve.
But honestly, what are we doing all these workshops and processes for, if not to bring more lightness and pleasure to our lives?
That’s why I created the Gamechanger journey - there is SO much more depth and connectedness available when we gather as an ongoing, closed group and can journey together over a few months to dive deep into ourselves and each other, with playfulness and a real sense of solidarity and togetherness.
Real transformation doesn’t have to feel heavy.
It can be playful, liberating, and even joyful...
A 4-month adventure where we will explore, support, discover, transform, and even heal together on a much more satisfying and cohesive journey into the primary areas of an awakened, joyful, and empowered Life.

Is this you?
- You want to go deeper but don’t want to do it all alone
- You’re into your efficient self-development but not taking it all too seriously
- You want to liberate yourself from ongoing wounds and patterns and harvest their treasures
- You agree that pleasure and lightening-up can be transformative
- You’re excited to be part of a group of people supporting each other along the way and maybe making some new lifelong friends
- You want to ignite or unblock your creativity along the way
"Glad I took this step last year. Jamie's Gamechanger online group was life-changing and -
affirming in powerful yet gentle, entirely humane ways. So well-devised and led. Thanks Jamie.
I recommend it!"
There are 12 key stages we will explore - with processes, games and discussions - to activate and harvest the treasures of:
Body and Deep Listening
Mind and Headfuck FM
Creativity and Inspiration
Intimacy and Connection
Pleasure and Playfulness
Generosity and Gifts
Breath and Chi
Shadows and Harvesting their Treasure
Death and Chaos
Boundaries and Sovereignty
Magic and Quantum Fields
Integration and Peace
"Gamechanger is learning about parts of yourself you didn't know were holding you back with people who are technically strangers, but soon become delightful partners in crime.
Jamie has fine tuned the voyage and you will not be disappointed."
"I love that we have stopped calling each Gamechanger a ‘course’, and instead, a 'ship'. It just seems so much more fitting to be a merry band of pirates setting sail together to find the sunken treasure!"
—Jamie Catto

What you will get from the Immersion
A sweetly curated experience with a bunch of unpretentious misfits playing my most tried and tested 16 games exploring our:
Relationship with Self
Taming our crazy minds, transforming our shadows, healing some old, sticky wounds and patterns…
Relationship with ‘Other’
Exploring the depth of connection we desire and the masks and outdated strategies that keep us separate and stuck - active listening and even some new levels of safe intimacy… A big part of this journey is about making some new lifelong friends who really ‘get’ you, and don’t need anyone to pretend life isn’t light and dark and sometimes messy - people you’ll be deeply connected to long after the 4 months…
Relationship with The World
Your creativity, maybe gifts you’d like to bring to the World - dissolving some of your fears and limiting beliefs about being seen and letting people in to experience your uniqueness…pathways to dissolve impostor syndrome and ‘who am I to do this?’
"You have taken me through a wide range of emotions from feeling inspired to pissed off, which has allowed me to explore my own happy places, as well as my triggers, and you also really make me laugh at times which is a great antidote.
You are a truly unique individual with a fierce creativity. Thanks for all that you do and for being who you are."
— JP
By the time our adventure together is complete - and in fact long before then - you will:
Have a diverse toolbox of hacks, to meet all manner of the inevitable challenges in your coming life-chapters.
Have repurposed numerous ‘demons’ and have them working ‘for you’, on your side with my super-efficient games.
Feel much less struggle and need for any apology about being the uniquely crazy human that you are.
Have a whole new accessibility to your creativity and inspiration.
Drastically reduce or even dissolve any edginess around speaking in groups or sharing your ideas and passions.
No longer be unconsciously controlled by your inner critic, your inner slave-driver or pessimist... so that you can make decisions, and take on life, from a place of purpose and optimism.
Be amazed at how close and bonded you’ve become with a gorgeous gang of unpretentious seekers.
You’ll have laughed your head off about areas you would never have imagined could be lightened-up so efficiently.
Gorgeous words people have said about Gamechanger:

The whole journey is 16 weeks, 16 deep-dive sessions hosted LIVE by Jamie, all held online, plus optional processes to explore in between meetings and one-on-one support whenever needed.
*We have a 100% inclusive policy and hate to turn anyone away for money reasons, so if this is out of your range please write to Jamie and we’ll do our best to work something out.

I really want to join the Gamechanger; I'm just worried about the cost.
What time does it start?
Will there be replays if I miss a class?
I am so busy…how long will this take?
Are the classes live? And can I ask questions?
Is this course suitable for self-development beginners?
I have already done a lot of shadow work and self-enquiry …will I still benefit from this immersion?
Do I need to do anything to prepare?
Jamie has a gift to bring people into connection with all their shady, vain, judgemental parts whilst laughing.
He is pure helium to an often leaden, heavy programming about what, ‘the work,’ should feel like.
— Georgia

Or have a chat with Jamie, ask any questions, and see if it’s the right fit for you:
Or write me at [email protected]